Excerpt: Gary Shteyngart's Super Sad True Love Story
Gary Shteyngart is the Sasha Baron Cohen of the literary world (though his voice sounds a lot like a younger version of Bill Murray & his profile looks more like a worn-out Salman...
View ArticleSpecial Excerpt: 3 Young Translators & their Works
Most people read. Some people write. Very few people translate.Voilà a truism I'd like you to keep in mind when reading the following post, a special Excerpt Reader feature about translators and...
View ArticleExcerpt: Tom McCarthy's C
Here's a book you won't be seeing on the Oprah Book Clublist anytime soon..& not because it's written bya Brit', mind you.. Oprah's recommended Ian McEwan'sSolarjust this April, and I bet it wasn't...
View ArticleExcerpt: Thomas Pynchon's Inherent Vice
A lot has been written on what draws us to books.. Their jacket cover, the buzz around town, the sexy or intellectual photo of the author on the back of the cover, whatever turns you on..But what about...
View ArticleExcerpt: Stephen Fry's The Fry Chronicles
"That Stephen Fry needs no introduction is what he has always wanted." So begins a recentGuardian Bookscoverage of Fry's latest installement in what is shaping up to be a multi-tome autobiography.And...
View ArticleExcerpt: Teju Cole's Known and Stranger Things
Teju Cole has a new book out. Whoope! Finally! The Excerpt Reader has been looking forward to reading something new from this young and (very) talented writer ever since reading his excellent debut...
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